Community’s Administrative Council met on Tuesday, April 18th. Several key action items were affirmed and a few of the highlights of the meeting are outlined below You can access the entire packet with all the reports here.
- Personnel Update: Jan Jones, moderator elect, presented a personnel report with a proposed search committee to fill the open staff position of Director of Vocal Music. The approved committee consists of Rev. Shanna, Jan Jones, Jonathon Antle, Carrie Shuck (chair of worship team), Bill Langley(choir member), and Lura Cayton (elder representative).
- PHCC Update: The Stewardship and Finance committee made recommendations suggesting a plan of next steps for Community’s partnership with Park Hill Christian. This arrangement continues to be positive; however, our current contract with PHCC and Rev. Suzanne Motter will expire on June 30. Community’s budget assumes the income from PHCC for the entirety of 2023. We look forward to sharing our next steps in detail after our follow up meeting with PHCC’s Executive Committee. Feel free to reach out to Rev. Shanna, Levon Weaver, or George Flanagan with any questions in the meantime.
- Financial Summary: Giving and expenses are on track for the year with a current YTD surplus of $56,000. This is due to many pledges being paid in full during the first quarter. The rental by the Friends of Chamber Music was positive and that income will post in April financials; however, it is also given us at least one other referral for the year. We project being over our budgeted rental income for the year which is a great sign. Finally, we continue to be mindful of our projected financial situation for calendar year 2024 and are beginning plans to address a budget shortfall.
- Ministerial Summary: We continue to use our engagement tracker to help inform our decisions with a variety of indicators. In-person worship attendance continues to climb. We have new visitors weekly and will have another round of welcoming new members later this spring and summer. Almost all new visitors report having watched our services online before attending in person. Additionally, our Good News Crew and First Sunday Family meals are engaging our congregation in meaningful ways outside the Sunday morning worship services. We are averaging 40 folk at our family luncheons each month and 20-25 at Good News Crew.
- Missouri Legislative Alert: Missouri House Bill 282 passed the House last week and had a first read in the Senate. We are monitoring amendments and the progress of this legislation as it would potentially allow concealed carry of firearms into places of worship. We have had signage on our building for more than a decade prohibiting weapons in our building and are concerned about the possibilities this bill raises. Rev. Shanna will share how we can be engaged in the efforts to oppose this legislation in the days ahead.
Please reach out to Rev. Shanna, George Flanagan or any member of the Administrative Council if you have questions. Thanks to all our leaders for their prayerful work and commitment to our Community.