Community members come from 2 states, 7 counties, 25 cities and 63 separate zip codes! Our online presence now has folks joining us regularly for worship from rural parts of Kansas and Missouri, as well as Colorado, Iowa, Maine, New York, Tennessee, and Texas.

Given such amazing geographic diversity to our church, we are approaching our efforts to truly connect Community with renewed intentionality. Community’s Neighbor Networks are local geographically-designated groups created to pray for you and to help you stay informed on what’s happening at Community. Everyone who is part of Community from regular visitors to homebound members, from in-person worshippers to online worshippers, are part of a Neighbor Network. We’ve created Neighbor Networks to be the connection “safety net” so that everyone has a place where they belong and where they can be connected to someone beyond the pastoral staff. We also have a “Virtual Neighbor Network” to help connect those who are not local to Kansas City.  If you participate in the virtual life of Community and would like to be part of our Virtual Neighbor Network, please email Community and we’ll help you take the next steps!

Each Neighbor Network is led by one elder and one deacon. To see who your Neighbor Network leads are, expand your network below.

  • Elder: Donna Muiller

    Deacon: Linda Blackshere

  • Elder: Dorothy Elliott

    Deacon: Eric Lyonford

  • Elder: John Young

    Deacon: John Kroner

  • Elder: Doug Shafer

  • Elder: Jon Voss

  • Elder: Sondra Bowers

    Deacon: Kelly Anson

  • Elder: Sandra Stites

    Deacon: Ken Mohler

  • Elder: Donna Porter


  • Elder: Lura Cayton

    Deacon: Sondra Bowers