This week, we begin a deep dive into the prayer known as The Lord’s Prayer. You have an opportunity to engage in new and renewed ways with this prayer through a variety of daily devotionals. Our neighbor here in Kansas City, Rev. Adam Hamilton says this about his relationship with this prayer, “The more I’ve studied the Lord’s Prayer, the richer and more meaningful it has become for me.” He reminds us that “this prayer, like all prayer, is less about informing God of things we want or need, and more about shaping our own heart and life.”
How might you engage these next four weeks to find new meaning in this ancient prayer? Last Sunday in worship, we explored one of the two scriptural references to this prayer - Matthew 6.5-15. Another version is found in Luke 11.1-13. Most people may not realize there is a third version not directly found in scripture but in a document called The Didache. Again from Rev. Hamilton’s book, “This is a fascinating document describing the practices of the early church that some scholars believe was written in the first century…offering guidance in the Christian life…Note the closing words that are in bold, “pray this three times a day.”
If you do nothing else this week from these devotions, consider setting an alarm on your phone that will prompt you to follow this directive of praying this prayer three times a day. Not the scriptural passage but the way that feels most comfortable and authentic to you. Begin to notice how this ritual impacts your everyday life and routine.
Community Prayer Focus: Today is our #community4kc day at Micah Ministry at our sibling congregation Independence Boulevard Christian Church. Pray for the volunteers who offer themselves to our neighbors. Pray for the clients of these important ministries who are coming for their “daily bread” in real and tangible ways.
Park Hill Prayer Focus: Last Monday we served at Micah Ministry at our sibling congregation Independence Boulevard Christian Church. We support and volunteer weekly at SPEAC here in Parkville. Pray for the volunteers who offer themselves to our neighbors. Pray for the clients of these important ministries who are coming for their “daily bread” in real and tangible ways.