In Rev. Shanna’s sermon on Sunday (you can go back and watch it here), she talked about names and why names are important. Depending on the situation, you might be called a variety of names - Mom, Dad, Grandma, Pop, Auntie, Sis, Beloved, Boss, Doctor, Mister - the list could go on and on. Rev. Dr. Wilda Gafney has a list of over 100 God Names and Divine Titles. How many names for God can you list and which ones do you tend to resonate with most? Why might you use different names depending on the situation? Why does it matter?
Community Prayer Focus: Tonight our ministry partner MORE2 is having their annual fundraising event. MORE2 stands for “Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity.” We’ll explore more about the economic equity that this prayer speaks about later in this series but for today pray for the ways God might be inviting you to work for a more equitable world for all God’s children.
Park Hill Prayer Focus: As your act of prayer today, read one of Rev. Suzanne’s favorite scriptures, Psalm 139. The psalmist writes, “It was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” This is just one example of many in scripture where God is described with mothering images. Today, pray the Lord’s Prayer by saying, “Our Mother, who is in heaven….” How does that make you feel or change this prayer for you?