Each week, we are focusing on a specific line of the Lord’s Prayer. This week we focus on the first line, “Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
How does it change the meaning of the opening line to read it in the modern translations of scripture? Does it matter that these perhaps seem more active than “hallowed be your name?” How is God’s name upheld? In the book “Becoming the Answer to our Prayers” the story is retold from Exodus 32 where “Moses reminds God that God has already branded this people. God’s name is on them. Their destruction will mean the ridicule of God’s name…The predicament is clear: unless these people are made holy, God’s name cannot be made holy.” How do you contribute to making God’s name holy (or unholy) in our world?
Our Father who is in heaven, uphold the holiness of your name. (CEB)
Our Father in heaven, may your name be revered as holy. (NRSVU)
Community Prayer Focus: Rev. Ryan is away for a few days of retreat with other ministers as a part the leadership team for a Lilly Endowment project supporting young clergy. Current research shows that approximately 50% of clergy have considered leaving the ministry in the last two years.
As we conclude the month of the ministry, take a moment to pray for your ministers. Remember other ministers (if you have them) who have made a significant impact on your life. Give thanks for the over 20 ordained clergy that call Community their faith home.
Park Hill Prayer Focus: One of the great modern role models for living a life of prayerfulness is Fr. Thomas Keating who was known as one of the fathers of centering prayer. Father Keating reminds us that “silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation.” How can you listen and be in deeper relationship with God by working on being more bi-lingual in this way? Sit quietly today for 10 minutes and just listen for what God might be trying to say.