The chancel at Community currently is covered in a labyrinth created especially for us by our artist in residence, Grace Cox-Johnson. Per the website for Veritas, the leading teachers and trainers for labyrinths as a spiritual discipline, “The labyrinth is an ancient pattern found in many cultures around the world.” The guidelines explain that, “The labyrinth is not a maze. There are no tricks to it and no dead ends. It has a single circuitous path that winds its way into the center…There is no right way or wrong way to walk a labyrinth” You are invited to come walk the labyrinth in the sanctuary during the week or perhaps using a finger labyrinth to slow your mind and guide your prayers would be helpful. There are printable copies of the labyrinth and detailed instructions on Veritas’ website as well. Either way you can use the Labyrinth, “(it) quiets the mind, opens the heart and grounds the body … Some find answers to questions long asked, some find healing, creativity, a sense of wholeness … What will you find on your labyrinth journey?”
Prayer Focus: A labyrinth is one form of a body prayer. Start by taking time in gratitude to be thankful for your life. Bless the people in your life. If there’s a specific event or situation troubling you, bring it to mind and form a healing question if possible. As you begin the labyrinth experience, quiet the mind, let go of the mind chatter and release your troubles. Follow the path to the center and then pause and stay as long as you like. When you are ready, go out the same path you followed in. Experience the sense of well-being, healing, excitement, calm or peace. Each labyrinth experience is different. You may feel nothing or have a powerful reaction. Whatever, listen to your heart and take all the time you need. The above description is only a thumbnail sketch. You provide the bigger picture.