In the book by Jane Vennard, The Way of Prayer, she writes, “The wording of the Lord’s Prayer reminds us that in truth we never pray alone but only as disciples joined with others in the mind and heart of Christ…Some of us (are) reluctant to pray in community or even talk with others about our experiences of prayer. Maybe we worry about seeming boastful if we speak of our prayer lives. Maybe we fear that our prayer life is inadequate…but can you imagine what might happen if we began to share our prayer lives honestly and tenderly with one another - we would begin to transform our churches into houses of prayer.”
Prayer Focus: Today is All Saints Day. Reflect on the people who taught you to pray or are perhaps still showing you what living a life of prayerfulness looks like. Give thanks for them and for their lives. Perhaps if they are still living, give them a call, send a text or write them a note to say thank you for the ways they encouraged your faith. Ask God to help you share more of your prayer life with others and imagine what that might mean for our Community?